Arteşê Lîbya herêma El-Havari yê ji dagirîyê terorîstên DAÎŞ ê xelas kirin
19 Nisan 2016
95 Ji deqeyêk kemtir
Armed Libyan men take part in a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the Libyan revolution, which toppled strongman Moamer Kadhafi, in the city of Benghazi, the 2011 uprising's birthplace, some 1,000 kilometres east of Tripoli, on February 17, 2016.
Unlike the capital Tripoli, celebrations did not reach Benghazi, where war has raged for two years between the Libyan army and armed groups including Islamists.
/ AFP / ABDULLAH DOMA (Photo credit should read ABDULLAH DOMA/AFP/Getty Images)
Arteşê Lîbya herêma El-Havari yê şehrê Binğazi ji dagirîyê terorîstên DAÎŞ ê xelas kirin. Disa hat ragihandin ku; karkerêk çîmentu û goristanêk ji hatiye xelas kirin. (BANGÊ ÎSLÂMİ)