Serokomarê Îranê bang li welatên deryaya Xezerê kir ku hevkariyê zêdetir bikin

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi has told a summit of the Caspian presidents in Ashgabat that cooperation among the littoral states has become increasingly important in light of international developments.
“This interaction will not only lead to economic prosperity and increase the welfare of our nations, but also strengthen regional peace and stability and solving the problems of the Caspian Sea zone merely through its coastal countries,” he said in Turkmenistan’s capital Wednesday evening.
Raeisi welcomed initiatives presented by the presidents of the Caspian Sea to develop economic cooperation in various fields.
Iran, he said, considers the Caspian as a sea of peace and friendship and declares its readiness for comprehensive cooperation based on mutual respect and interests.
“The Caspian Sea, our common heritage and capital, the axis of bonds and friendship, and the source of blessings for more than the 270 million people of its coastal countries, which reflects the five countries in the mirror of a single water area.
“Just as our civilizing fathers and cultured mothers have enjoyed peace and prosperity on these shores and in the region for thousands of years, so our nations, as permanent seaside neighbors, must have a long-term approach towards the Caspian Sea as a sea of friendship and cooperation so that we have fulfilled our responsibility towards the current and future generations.”