Navenda aşitiya Rûsiyayê li Sûriyê ragihand ku 121 endamên grûpa terorîstî ya Ehrar ul-Şamê li bajarê Hums`ê xwe radestî hêzên sûrî kirin. (BANGÊ ÎSLÂMİ)
Teslîmbûna dehan endamên grûpa terorîstî ya Ehrar ul-Şamê

Members of al Qaeda's Nusra Front gather before moving towards their positions during an offensive to take control of the northwestern city of Ariha from forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, in Idlib province May 28, 2015. The Syrian army has pulled back from the northwestern city of Ariha after a coalition of insurgent groups seized the last city in Idlib province in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border that was still held by the government. REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah - RTR4XXNU